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Customer Testimonials

Customer Reference Story: Meedio's Ambition to Revolutionize Secure Communication with enclaive

Miruna Stefan
Miruna Stefan
September 27, 2024


Meedio is redefining what it means tocommunicate securely in an increasingly interconnected environment. As aleading provider of encrypted video solutions, Meedio is dedicated to ensuringthat personal data remains private and secure, believing that data protectionis a fundamental right. This dedication has led to a groundbreaking partnershipwith enclaive, a company that specializes in advanced data encryptiontechnologies. Together, they are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible indata security, providing unprecedented protection for users across multipledimensions—at rest, in transit, and now, while in use.


The Partnership with enclaive: A NewDimension of Security

Meedio has always been driven by the beliefthat data security is a fundamental human right. Founded in 2020 in Denmark andwith a subsidary in Hamburg, Germany, Meedio has grown rapidly, offeringend-to-end encrypted video solutions tailored for industries where security isparamount, such as government, healthcare, and defense. When enclaive enteredthe picture, the synergy was immediate and clear.

enclaive brings groundbreaking technologyto the table: the ability to encrypt data while it is being processed.Traditionally, data has been vulnerable when in use, providing a window forpotential breaches. enclaive’s innovative approach closes this gap, offeringwhat can be described as '3D encryption'—covering data at rest, in transit, andnow, in use. This technology aligns perfectly with Meedio's objective ofoffering a 100% secure communication environment.


Meedio's Vision: More Than JustTechnology

For Runi Hammer, CEO of Meedio, thecollaboration with enclaive is more than a technological upgrade—it's astrategic move towards a broader vision. Hammer sees Meedio not just as aprovider of secure communication tools, but as a vanguard in the fight fordigital sovereignty in Europe. "We believe in a different view of datathan what's prevalent in America," Hammer points out. "As Europeans,we want to control our data and ensure secure collaboration and communicationwithin Europe. This partnership with enclaive is a critical step in realizingthat vision."

Meedio’s ambition goes beyond securing itsplatform. Hammer envisions a digital landscape where European companies regaincontrol over their infrastructure, building alliances that reinforce thisindependence. "It's about much more than just the immediate gains of apartnership," he continues. "It's about setting a standard forsecurity and collaboration that others can follow, ensuring that Europeancompanies don't become mere colonies in a world dominated by American techgiants."


Revolutionizing Use Cases with EnhancedSecurity

The practical applications of thispartnership are profound. One compelling example involves a volunteer from anNGO in Mali, where downloading a VPN could lead to imprisonment due to localrestrictions. Through Meedio's integration with enclaive, these volunteers cannow access fully encrypted communications without the need for VPNs, ensuringboth their safety and operational integrity. This use case highlights the newcapabilities of Meedio and enclaive’s combined technology—providing securecommunication channels where they are needed most, even under challengingconditions.


A Swift and Strategic Implementation

The partnership's success is not just inthe technology, but also in the execution. The integration of enclaive’sencryption solution was swift and seamless, thanks to the close collaborationbetween Hammer and Sebastian Gajek, CTO of enclaive. The two leaders share morethan a business relationship; they are united by a common vision for a saferdigital Europe. Even now, their dialogue continues towards ways to innovatefurther, bringing new levels of security and functionality to Meedio'sofferings and beyond.


Looking Ahead

The collaboration between Meedio andenclaive is just the beginning. Hammer explains that the future of datasecurity in Europe lies in building strong, strategic alliances with otherlike-minded companies. Meedio is not just enhancing its own platform; it aimsto act as a bridge, extending the benefits of enclaive's cutting-edge securityto other businesses and sectors that require enhanced data protection.

"To make it in Europe, you need thatextra layer of security," Hammer insists. "We're here to providethat, and with partners like enclaive, we're better equipped than ever to leadthe way." The partnership is a testament to what is possible when twocompanies are aligned in their mission to provide the highest levels ofsecurity, ensuring that digital communications are not just secure, but trulyprivate and sovereign.



Meedio's collaboration with enclaive marksa significant step forward in the area of secure communication. Together, theyare setting a new standard for what is possible in data security, driven by ashared commitment to protecting user data at every stage.

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